This Portfolio Website is currently being updated Some projects are being added and descriptions are being improved
Some professional and personal projects I have worked on over the years.
PlayStation London Studio (PS5)Technical Designer
Virtual Reality video game. BÚFALO® Hot Sauces Programmer / Designer
AR + VR Recipes collection. BÚFALO Aceitunas Programmer / Designer
Interactive presentation. Roche GazyvaProgrammer/ Technical Art/ 3D Art
Third World productions(PC/Steam)Gameplay programmer
Cooking video game. Herdez SoupsProgrammer/Design
Interactive Product Presentation. EMWA Bvlgari Programmer/Design
Kinect bartender game. Jimador/AntiguoProgrammer/ Designer
Larva Game Studio Mobile Technical Artist / 3D Artist
Collection of Instagram face filtersDesigner/Implementation
APTOMobile Gameplay programmer / Designer
Larva Game Studio (with Astolol) Mobile Technical Artist /3D Artist
Arduino controlled presentationProgrammer
Larva Game Studio PC 3d Artist (2012)
Larva Game Studio (Minority Media inc.) Mobile 3D Artist
Larva Game Studio (with Kixeye) Mobile 3D Artist
Websocket multiplayer puzzle gameProgrammer / Designer
Analysis of Procedural Generated Textures for Video Games Using a CycleGAN
Playable sudoku grid done with C++ and Walnut/DearImGui
Procedural Content Generation using Unity3D Engine Reinforcement Learning
A*, Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Alpha-beta Pruning / Minmax, Cost function heurisitc, Bayesian Networks, Reinforcement Learning + Neural Networks
VR Jam 2020 Programmer / Designer
Global Game Jam 2014 Programmer / Designer
Global Game Jam 2015 Programmer
Mobile game. Android / iOSProgrammer/Designer/2D
Javascript tool for photoshopTool programmer
3D Scene of Bathing House 3D Artist