Kinect Brown Forman

Kinect bartender game Jimador/Antiguo


  • Client:Brown Forman (Antiguo & Jimador)
  • Year: 2015
  • Hardware: Kinect 2.0 
  • Software & Tools: Unity3D Engine


Interactive projects created for marketing activations. This game was designed to be able to be rebranded for more than one product. The two projects were done for the tequila brands: Antiguo de Herradura and Jimador.

In this game, you play as a bartender. There will appear drink orders and the user needs to grab all the ingredients and pour them into the glass. Of course, without taking too long or adding an incorrect ingredient to the mix.

My involvement in the project

  • My roles were development, project management, and game design.
  • Programming: C# 
  • Implementation in Unity3D Engine